A Tool to Help Retirees Make Retirement Their Heyday

At Heyday, we believe that retirement should be the reward you always hoped it would be. And with nearly two decades of experience in working with retirees, we discovered that worrying about circumstances beyond their control can really put a damper on enjoying retirement.

So, over the years, we refined our planning approach in order to help retirees:

  • Minimize exposure to key financial risks, such as market volatility and outliving their money.
  • Establish income that will be guaranteed for life, no matter how long they need the money to last.
  • Go beyond covering basic living expenses to include the fun activities they’d always envisioned doing in retirement.

This approach not only factors in what they may be looking forward to doing and may be concerned about facing in retirement, it helps set them up for success by leveraging a financial approach most are already familiar with. By establishing a monthly income stream, Heyday retirement income plans help retirees manage their finances the same way most of them did while working — monthly.

And now, we’re excited to bring this planning approach online in our new Heyday retirement income planner app.

Retirees Can Build a Custom Retirement Income Plan Online, At Their Own Pace 

Heyday’s new retirement income planner app is broken into multiple sections, allowing retirees to move through the process on their terms. Through interactive quiz questions and videos, retirees are guided through the following:

  • Retirement goals
  • Retirement challenges
  • Personal expenses
  • Fixed income sources

Once they complete the process, retirees will receive an actionable retirement income plan that incorporates their unique goals, concerns and finances.

The best part? With a retirement income plan in place, retirees can be free to do the things they want to do most without having to worry about outliving their money. Because the income retirees will receive in Heyday’s retirement income plans is backed by guaranteed lifetime income.

While creating a retirement income plan may not be the right approach for all retirees, many view them as a way to help provide peace of mind while helping reduce financial risk.

To decide whether an income plan would be right for your overall strategy, Heyday’s new retirement income planner app could be a great place to start. You can also learn more about the benefits of retirement income plans in this informative workshop, 4 Steps to Help Secure Your Retirement.

Want to help reduce your financial risks in retirement? 

Start with a custom retirement income plan.

Cindy Collins

Written by Cindy Collins

Forbes Contributor & Retirement Financial Professional

Cindy Collins is a Heyday Retirement contributor with over 30 years of experience in personal financial services.

Heyday is a premier source for comprehensive tools and informative content designed to help retirees build a secure retirement income plan.

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